
Craft: DIY lampshade

Light up your life with a custom-made lampshade.

Finding the right accessories for your home can be a challenge, but with this tutorial you will have the ability to create a unique and cost-effective lampshade that perfectly matches your décor.

Using quilting weight cottons will open up a huge variety of colours and styles, or why not find some vintage fabric instead? If you are a true thrifter, you’ll find many op-shops, eco stores and car boot sales that will have some amazing vintage and retro lampshade bases to match your project.

Kits are available in a range of sizes and can be purchased from craft stores or online from

1 Place fabric, pattern facing down, on your work surface with the self-adhesive panel on top. Making sure your pattern is straight, cut the fabric to 1.5cm wider than the lampshade panel all the way around.

2 Carefully peel back around 10cm of the backing paper from the panel and place sticky side down onto fabric. Smooth it out. Work slowly along the panel until you’ve finished the length. Trim excess fabric around the edges in line with the panel.

3 Snap the long edges of the panel and remove the PVC to leave a strip of fabric showing at the top and bottom.

4 Apply a strip of double-sided tape along the right-hand (the short side) of your panel. Leave the paper back on the top until later.

5 Wrap double-sided tape all around the edges of both lampshade rings and remove the backing paper.

6 Starting at the left side of the laminate (without the double sided tape), place the rings at the very edges of the top and bottom and slowly roll them around the panel.

7 When you get to the end, remove backing paper from double-sided tape (step 4) and press panel edges together.

8 Fold over the surplus fabric seam all the way around the top and bottom to cover the lampshade rings.

For a professional finish, use the plastic edge tool to push surplus fabric under the rings.

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