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Kevin Milne

Kevin Milne: Tow truck queries
Real Life

Kevin Milne: Tow truck queries

A tow truck operator turns up to take my car away. What if I get back in my car to keep it from being towed? Can tow truck drivers use force to get me out? If they tow a car with me in it can I sue? Can tow drivers call the police in an […]
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Children with allergies
Real Life

Children with allergies

My daughter has severe allergies and is about to start school. As a parent, do I have the right to request that her teacher impose hand-washing rules and restrictions on what foods other kids can bring to school? If your daughter is allergic to certain foods, first make sure she understands her allergies and what […]
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Kevin Milne: Consequences for paying off debts early

Kevin Milne: Consequences for paying off debts early

*Our son borrowed some money for Christmas from a private lender and has got into a bit of strife. We’re so sorry he didn’t tell us, but now he has a $1500 debt. We tried to pay back the debt as soon as we found out, but the lender told us there are hefty penalties […]
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Kevin Milne: Noisy libraries
Real Life

Kevin Milne: Noisy libraries

I went to pick up some books at my local library last Friday night to find loud rock music being played throughout. Couldn’t believe it! Aren’t libraries supposed to be quiet? I complained to the librarian. She could hardly hear me above the racket. Apparently, it was Friday Fun Night. Has the world gone mad? […]
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